We have some basic, but effective battery operated lanterns that are best for car camping. These are great for what they are, but we want you to know that they will not cast as bright a glow as a propane-fueled big lantern some campers use. Those gas fuel ones are too fragile and impractical for renting. The glow on these is good enough to light up the picnic table at night; make your way to the bathroom after dark; or to curl up and read by. We have several styles of lanterns of comparable quality so the one you receive may look different than the photos.
As a supplement or alternative to these lanterns, also consider a hands-free flashlight style - the LED that we rent. Headlamps are much better than flashlights, but not too conducive to chatting around camp - such lights perched on top of your head shine bright into the eyes of the person you're trying to talk to. Also, a lantern is particularly helpful if you'll be in a fire-restricted area that precludes building a campfire.
We test the lights before shipping, but you will need to acquire your batteries before leaving on your trip. And, always carry backups - most of the lanterns use AA batteries. And be sure to cushion the lanterns well when you send them back so they don't shatter enroute.
Minimum rental is 3 days
3 Days: $15
Days 4-21: $1 per day
For longer-term rentals, call for quote